March is cool and rainy, our area is known to have a “faux Spring” with one last winter-y cold snap. Magnolia Tulip Trees, quince, camellia and cherry trees are the first blooms to burst! April warms up nicely and the cool nights fade away, this is an excellent month for gardening.
May is when the Summer weather starts to show its head and by now it’s time to have the pool ready!
Our summers have high heat and higher humidity, this may translate into powdery mildew for some gardens. Grass and weeds grow abundantly, so you’ll need to be proactive to keep the garden in order.
Some summers have rain, but many have droughts. It can be a good idea to install irrigation. Summer heat is here to stay through at least October most years.
In our zone, autumn won’t really begin until November, so we have lots of foliage changing color with Thanksgiving. Fall is the best time to plant your trees and shrubs! This allows them to root down and establish themselves in the winter.
Azaleas and Autumn types of Iris will be blooming again just like they did in spring. Any tropicals brought outside for the summer should be brought inside again!
December can be mild, some years it’s much cold and some are not. If you’re lucky enough to be home on a nice, warm southern winter day take some tropical plants outside for some sun, but don’t forget they’re out there.
As our short zone 8b winter is finally ending we have warm days fit for short sleeves and freezing cold nights. Early March can be just as chilly as February.
at one of our upcoming workshops!
We host a variety of workshops throughout the year, each month we list them all over on our Eventbrite page.
To see what we have planned this month, head over to the link below to browse what's coming up at FLG!
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Tips for Transplanting
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Watering Tips for Houseplants
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Houseplant Basics
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Garden Pest Control Tips
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Drought Tips
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Best Air-Purifying Plants
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Deer Resistant Plants
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Pet-Safe Plants
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Summertime Plant Care
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Plant Care
Espoma Organic
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